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Notable Society Members

Read more about notable Lehigh University Kappa Alpha Society members here.


The Kappa Alpha Society is the progenitor of all modern Greek letter societies. Established in 1825 as a secret literary society, the Kappa Alpha Society has produced scores of fine thinkers united by an unbreakable bond of brotherhood.

Our chapter at Lehigh University, referred to as KA in VL, has operated continuously from its creation in 1894 until June of 2018 when the active chapter lost university recognition. Though membership numbers dwindled to single digits during both World Wars last century, Kappa Alpha had over fifty active members with thirty members living in the Kap Lodge at the time the chapter lost university recognition.

The Kappa Alpha Alumni Association Lehigh University (KAAALU) remains strong however and looks to return to active status when the time is right. If you were a member of Kappa Alpha but are not a member of the alumni association, we urge you to come along, join KAAALU.

Qui Fuerunt Sed Nunc Ad Astra

We regret to report the passing of our following brothers. . .

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